You may purchase your membership and/or memberships for other employees, by selecting the proper link below. To purchase your membership, you must add your name to the form and move it to the cart, as it is not implied simply because you are logged into your account. Employees who already have accounts on the KWWOA website, may be added to the order the same way. If you want to add someone without an account, simply select the “Create Users” tab and add their information. An account will be created for them as well as the membership added, once the order is paid for. Anyone you create an account for must have a valid email (personal or work) or you must create one for them using the link provided.
If you prefer, you may also print out the proper membership brochure below and mail it in with your payment.

Operator Membership
An "operator" is any individual who works for and/or is engaged in the operation of a public or private water or wastewater facility in any capacity.

Administrative Membership
Any “administrative” individual who works for and/or is engaged with a public or private water or wastewater facility in any capacity that does not require continuing education credits.

Honorary Operator Membership
An "Honorary Operator" is an individual who has retired and is not engaged in the operation of a public nor private water or wastewater facility in any capacity, but was an active or associate member of the Association at the time of retirement.

Associate Membership
An "Associate" member does not actively work for a system, but is professionally interested in the principles of the water and wastewater industry. This account type is to be used by those that would like to be a member, exhibit and/or sponsor KWWOA.